Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Stylish Eve presents 14 very adorable merbaby photographs. Many different photographers, and each photo is priceless. Credit goes to David Dundas for putting this collection together.

"We’ll admit that there is nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby, but when that baby is a merbaby then the look is even more serene."

Shark Week

Shark Week is over for another year, and this year the Discovery Channel saw higher ratings than any Shark Week in history. But, is everything we saw worth believing?

All Things Considered, a production of National Public Radio (NPR) takes a look at the innocent and not-to-innocent bending of facts used to achieve higher ratings or facilitate filming.

"The line between authentic documentaries and so-called "docufiction" can be blurry. Even some legitimate filmmakers have committed video fakery for the sake of a project."

Has Shark Week jumped the shark? Check out the article and 7-minute audio clip at NPR. And if you're not familiar with the phrase, 'jumping the shark', Wikipedia has an explanation.

Killer Mermaid

Are you a mermaid fan? Are you also a fan of horror films? If so, then you will want to learn more about Killer Mermaid, a narrative film coming out soon on DVD and Video-On-Demand.

The details can be found at Horror Society, but note that the September 9th date listed in the article is incorrect. The date should most likely be September 13th.

We talked about this film before, but here is your chance to own it. For a sneak preview, watch the short trailer included in the article.

Poet Matthea Harvey

Stephen Burt sits down with poet Matthea Harvey to discuss a wide variety of topics including fables, images, and of course mermaids. The interview is a great read, and uncovers some of the complexities of Ms. Harvey's work.

Best wishes and starfishes,
-Mermaid Cynthia
cynthia (at)

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